Madison Beaulieu

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Plant all the flowers!

The garden is in. For the most part. Dusty built me two raised beds upfront. In them we have tomatoes, peppers, kale, lettuce, melons, nasturtiums, basil, noodle beans, okra and cucumbers. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a practice year - I will probably harvest more knowledge than food. I am most looking forward to tomato sandwhiches. I couldn’t eat tomatoes last year because it gave the babies such bad diaper rash. (Eek! Poor babes!) I might still be breastfeeding over the summer, but I’m hoping the boys will be able to enjoy the spoils of a Georgian garden with me.

I’m laughing about our basil. I bought seeds for Emily Basil because I have a sweet cousin named Emily. Then a friend send me seeds for Lemon Basil. My cousin’s last name is Lemmon! So even though she is in Nashville, I have a little reminder of her here. Haha. I love that gardens have a way of making us feel loved like that. I look at all the cuttings and bits from my parent’s garden, gifts from neighbors seed swaps growing. It is just a happy sight to look out and see how nature connects us.

Living in this shelter in place can be very lonely, but I marvel at the ways we remain connected.

I don’t have too much faith in the melons, but we will see! Again, telling myself that they are just for fun and for learning. I planted flowers intermixed with the veggies - zinnias, calendula, chamomile, and marigolds. If not super productive, I’m hoping it will be beautiful.

Enjoy this spring coloring sheet. Also if you have a moment, would you leave a comment? It would be so nice to hear from you! It often feels like I’m typing out anonymously into the internet. Haha. Hugs! Have a wonderful week!