Madison Beaulieu

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A Day in Our Life: 16 Month Old Twins

This month with twins has been exciting! We’ve had first steps!


Mornings have continued to be slow, though we are trying our best as adults to get to bed and wake up on time. We have cereal and drinkable yogurt in the living room before popping out the door for a walk. The weather has been SO NICE this past month. We’ve been taking advantage of it by spending as much time outside as possible. Often the twins will point to the front door, like “Let’s go ma!”


Lunch is around 11:30. We’ve been doing the same ole same ole, but cutting their food into larger pieces. They can take pretty great bites now!! We’re practicing with spoons and drinking cow’s milk. The days seem to be going by super quickly. Arty and Theo practice their walking all around the living room. Shrieks of joy and excitement abound. They are so proud of their new skill and that makes me feel so proud of them. There has been a good bit of misty-eyed admiration.


Evenings are pretty sweet. We like to play outside, push our walkers around the yard and wave to our neighbors coming home from work. Theo loves cars and is very interested in all the different styles and colors. It seems like Arty is just in it for the waving. Our neighbors across the street have Halloween inflatables going and it’s important to inspect them once per day. (The pumpkin headed one with the grabby arms is kinda scary, but we like the ghosts.) We will watch some TV while dinner is being made. Current favorite is The Octonauts. Arty starts laughing and dancing at the theme song. It’s so cute.


We slept through the night once this past month! Progress. (?!) Baths are fun, but Theo is decidedly not okay with bubble baths. Worth a shot, right? Maybe he will come around. I think he was freaked out because he couldn’t see his legs under the bubbles. He seemed really worried about his brother, too. After getting Theo out of the tub and in jammies he pointed me back to the bathroom. Once he saw Arty was okay, Theo was ready for milk and snuggles. Sweet boys.

I love watching them play together and grow as brothers. They talk to each other more and more. I’ll often find them playing silly games with each other. The laughter is so heartwarming. Makes me smile so big.
