It's Saturday and very cold!
Good Vibes Only Pins available in the shop here!
We made it to our very first 2018 weekend, friends. I have such high hopes for this year. 2017 was such a year of growth. I learned so much. I started new habits. Broke old ones. Forgot things. Learned things. Added some wonderful people to my life, and said bye to a few too. 2017 was filled with good, bad, difficulty, joy, tears, laughter, strength, jealousy, and unbridled thankfulness.
I am happy with you, 2017. We did our best.
It's so cold! Possibly the most popular conversation starter of 2018! Ha. I started thinking about my spring collection this morning. There's such a gentle softness to spring. That warming sunlight. Trees budding out. I'm imagining a gentle color palette. Soft pinks, greens and pastel blues. Lavenders and creams. I'd love to create a kid's line (of something), personalized announcement for new homes, new babes, and things like that. Perhaps some more desk accessories for you, too? Let me know what you're after! I'm taking notes!
One thing on my mind lately is how to balance graphic design with my art. I love the challenge of design. I love the clients, running a business, planning out projects, and working on strategy. Yet, I feel myself pulling away from the actual sitting-down-at-the-computer design. I'm not sure what that's about. Is it really about design as a career? Or is it burnout that can be soothed by a more mindful schedule? A different client mix? It requires more thought for sure. I'm working on an illustration project right now and loving every minute. Dusty had some great insight. I'm always so impressed at how well he knows me. Thankful for that dude. (I will share more on this when I get my thoughts more organized.)
Made any resolutions? I think I'd like to pay off student loans, take a trip or three, and work on our home. As far as work, I'd like to keep a better schedule, take better care of my stockists, and work on getting a few wholesale accounts. For relationships, I want to plan fun surprise dates with Dusty and make sure I see my friends more often. I have dreams and dreams of things I want to make and do. We will see how far I get! What are you planning for the year?
I hope your weekend and new year are off to a great start!
xo Mads
P.S. I found this home tour / interview with an illustrator and loved it! You might like it too!