Madison Beaulieu

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Stay in and Color

The last few days have been pretty intense, no? Social distancing is one of the best things we can do to protect our at-risk populations from COVID-19. It’s not easy - our culture emphasizes DOING, yet it looks like what is most effective against the spread of this virus is to stay in.

We have been asked to change our habits and even in the best of circumstances, that’s is hard.

I’ll be making coloring pages over the next few weeks. The best way to change a habit is adopt a new one. Coloring has been a really helpful way for me to confront stress and anxiety in my life. Opening my box of markers, selecting the colors and seeing them wash over the page is very meditative for me. (Kind of like those cake decorating videos.) So - as we find our new routines, I hope you’re able to add in a moment to slow down and sit with anything you’re feeling. Sit outside, pour a cup of tea, organize a cabinet, tend a garden. Find the thing that’s your thing and try making it a new habit. If you don’t have a thing, try coloring!