Madison Beaulieu

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Lately it's been celebrating 7 years together with guacamole, ice cream cones and a long walk. It's been sitting on the old couch and finding the scratchy spot on the dog. The one that makes his eyes close and leg kick. He finally got that itch itched! New workouts and running. (?) I don't like running, but it's better with friends.

It's been thinking about new projects. Building picnic tables and reading books. Catching a mouse in the house. (!) Making iced coffee on messy counter tops. It's meeting neighbors and walking to the farmer's market. Watching This Old House. I miss when people were awkward on tv.

There's a little bit of doubt too. And heart ache. Am I doing the right thing with my life? It's long hours and procrastination and I hope this works. It's a mouse in the house?! It's missing people who live one zip code away. And missing people who live a bunch of zip codes away. 

It's a season. It's a blur of now or never or later and someday and it's okay. All is okay in this house with a mouse.