Three months ago I gave birth to twin boys! Arthur and Theodore are doing SO well. I don’t think I could ask for better babies. Aside from near constant spitting up, the occasional diaper blow out, a few seriously sleepless nights… This first three months of motherhood have been wonderful. There are moments when I can’t help but look at them with wonder and awe.
Theo on the left, Arty on the right a few days after they were born
Motherhood has given me a fair share of surprises. I didn’t know I’d love it this much. I didn’t know it would be this hard. I didn’t expect to have so much help. Friends, family, people I barely knew… it seems like everywhere I turn someone is offering to help in some way. I am so grateful for that. Being a new mom (or a mom at any stage) is hard. It’s possibly the most difficult and rewarding thing I will ever do. Yet, I am so so thankful for this opportunity to enjoy life with these two little ones.
Hoping to share more as I have time! For now, mama out! :)