
Life, Work, Fun / Madison Beaulieu

my sketchbook: life, work, fun, news, coloring pages.

A Day in Our Life: 18 Month Old Twins


18 months feels like a huge milestone, but then no milestone has really felt small. New month, new challenges, new delights. Highlights of this month include:

  • Doing Christmas crafts and pretty much hating ever minute of it, I loved it though

  • A family photoshoot with the cousins, (Thanks Auntie JoJo for this lovely photo!)

  • Celebrating our second Christmas with the babes, new toys, new books, new lewks

  • They are getting so good at puzzles

  • Reading a million books (or the same books a million times), we’re working the library back into our routine

  • Arthur began kinda sleeping through the night, sometimes, I can’t tell you what the added sleep has done for us, it’s incredible

  • A trip to the botanical gardens with Auntie JoJo, begun fighting the stroller (noooooo!), but very well behaved in the giftshop (yayyy!)

  • I can see them working out their independence already, and they have such a desire to help us with daily life tasks, Arthur is a PRO as helping me close the fridge and Theo is just about the only one who can help me get that dishwasher closed

  • As I see their personalities emerge, I fall more and more in love, they are such great kids, we’re so lucky
